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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Common Loon


robin andrea said...

Loons are such beautiful birds, and the sound they make is truly one of the most beautiful things our ears could ever hope to hear.

Sandy Maudlin said...

How extremely lucky you are to have loons there. I'm jealous - only seen or heard one once in Alaska. I love your photo. Looks like he's going to a blacktie deal!

Anonymous said...

He IS beautiful, isn't he? I don't think I've ever seen one, not even in a bird sanctuary or zoo!

Now I'm going to have to look up a soundfile to hear one!

Dawn said...

thank you ladies, I feel lucky to have them so close. one year there was a pair in the small pond down the hill from our house. we heard them all spring.

go here to hear their call


Anonymous said...

That's an incredible picture. I love the sound of loons! I have been told I am loony.